Saturday, April 23, 2011

Steph's Side: Man-Cation is No More

Posted by Girl Talk at 1:00 PM 1 comments
Its not what you think, though...

So, this past week, my man-cation status was challenged by the people that are closest to me. And I'm not gonna lie, it really hurt my feelings. But I'll get into that later. Their comments go as follows:

Comment 1: I think that lowkey, you're only doing this whole man-cation thing because you don't have anyone right now. So you use your man-cation as a cover up so that you don't feel bad when you don't have anyone.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Steph's Side: Eff Love

Posted by Girl Talk at 7:10 PM 2 comments

So, lately I have been feeling strangely like the single friend. And none of my friends are in relationships. They just have guys there, and I don't. And I've been shrugging it off, but subconsciously, the sting is still there. Nobody's perfect, alright... a couple of days ago, a guy I had met a couple of weeks ago through one of Katy's friends asked Katy about me when she and her friend were hanging out. She said I was fine and everything, and at the end of their convo, he asked her for my number. [Sidebar: Me and him spent like three hours having a pretty good convo about life and everything, but because of my mancation, I really didn't care if anything happened between us or not.] Katy, being considerate, told him that she didn't just give out her friend's numbers all willy nilly.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Steph's Side: ManCation Benefits...

Posted by Girl Talk at 8:46 PM 0 comments
Okay, so I know its been so long that you probably don't even remember what I look like. So, here's a refresher....

Lol, but enough of the jokey-joke. I came by today, taking time out of my busy life to tell you guys what is up with my mancation. SO, as you know, I am now in month 4 of the ManCation, and let me tell you, it has been quite the journey. I have found so much out about myself, just by taking a break from trying so hard to fall in love with everything with a penis, that I love myself and appreciate my past a little but more, in a different way.

So, here are a few more realizations, thoughts and questions that have come up since January 1st.


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