All About Steph Laughs...

Hey, yall!!!

So, I'm really bad at these about me things, 'cause I never really know what to say, so bear with me and we may just get through this horrible attempt to introduce myself in a witty and smart matter. Okay, here goes:

I am Nigerian American, and yes, I was actually born in America. Idk why every time I say my parents are Nigerian, people want to ask if I was born there. I clearly have an American accent. Clearly.

I love writing. Seriously, I probably would not have the sanity that I have spent years protecting if not for writing. I would probably be that crazy bag lady that you see under the bridge, talking to herself and itching her butt as she walks around in a circle. So, thank God for that.

 I am single. And yes, by choice. Not that I have suitors banging down my door trying to get with me, but I am single by choice so that in the rare event that a guy asks me out, I like to think that I will say no for the sake of my self proclaimed man-cation. No, I'm kidding. I am choosing to be single in order to get to know my new and ever growing self a little better without the cloudy judgment that often occurs when a member of the opposite species comes within touching distance of me.

I love to laugh. As if you couldn't tell by my alias. But I do. I laugh a lot. And I have probably burned a total of 50405989454078480 calories doing just that. Just sayin'.

Um, yeah, I'm also getting sick of talking about myself, so...if you want to know anything else, just comment and I will definitely put the answer at the end of this page.

Peace, Love && Happiness,
Steph Laughs

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