Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Get Ready For The Comeback...

Posted by Girl Talk at 12:50 AM 0 comments
We are under going a lil bit of construction over here at GirlTalk, coming up with ideas and trying our hardest to get out our new material to you, so please, please sit tight, look at our other stuff and we'll be up and running by the end of the week!!

Love you guys,

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Katy's Korner: WAHOO one of my favorite designers-Jason Wu

Posted by Girl Talk at 7:21 PM 0 comments
For all you fashion-flunkies Jason Wu is quite possible one of the most talented and innovative designers of today. Like I get there are the classic Chanel Dior blah blah blahs that will always get recognition but news flash they are DEAD... yes their innovative designs and beloved trend-setting styles live on BUT I think it is much more exciting to have new fresh faces that leave a imprint on the fashion industry...plus also Jason isn't a Jew hater..*cough cough Galliano*...ANYWHO just thought everyone should know that Jason Wu is LIFE! and very few designers are Life to me :D ok let me show you why

Friday, March 4, 2011

Katy's Korner: Lets get artsy

Posted by Girl Talk at 10:52 PM 0 comments
OK  last post of the night..So I have been depriving myself of all the riches and wealth that DC has to offer! I have been so consumed in what I NEED to do for school that I have neglected what I WANT to do in life...I was just throughly checking though my emails and I am on this email list for artists in DC and I get events and updates on new exhibits! I want to check this out like yesterday!

Katy's Korner: DO IT DIOR

Posted by Girl Talk at 10:34 PM 0 comments
Christian Dior was probably one of the most talented designers on the plant earth..many designers..along with myself..are continouly inspired by the work that is still being done in his name..OK this is gonna be a real quick post on one of my favorite pieces in Dior Fall 2011 (wow cant believe its already 2011) ready-to-wear collection!

Katy's Korner Good friends are hard to come by

Posted by Girl Talk at 10:16 PM 0 comments
I'm not a perfect person and who is??? but I am a good friend.. I hate arguing...i hate confrontation... I LOVE giving...maybe to much and I ALWAYS put others before me..I continuously pray for friends and am always there for them. Do you ever feel like you are too good a of person? Or a friend? What to do when someone is going through hard times...and what do you say?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Steph's Side: ManCation Update...

Posted by Girl Talk at 9:34 PM 0 comments

It's now month three of my mancation. After a host of emotions that threatened to drive me insane, I am now at peace with it. I know I probably had some people fooled before with the way that I was carrying on, but truth be told, I only became confident in my mancation last week. I didn't know what I was doing, or if I was doing the right thing, but the truth is that I am not ready. Same as before, but right now, there is no doubt in my mind that I need this mancation more than it needs me. I need to work on myself and on being by myself.

Do I want someone to cuddle with from time to time? Yes. But it doesn't keep me up at night like it used to. It's not the first worry in my mind. Actually, its quite hidden now. I only notice my singleness when I am thrust into certain situations. For the most part, I am just trying to deal with myself. And learning to love me more, flaws and all...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Jessie J: Who You Are Album Review

Posted by Girl Talk at 11:08 AM 3 comments
OMG! What is it with this year??? Everyone's albums are just pure gold! Jessie J's album just came out yesterday in the UK, and I was fortunate enough to be given a copy (partly because I have good connects in London, but also because I am a slightly crazed fan) and let me tell you, all the work gone into getting the album was not in vain, because I love the album. Seriously, I have been listening to it nonstop, and as usual, it speaks to most of my everyday problems.

Who You Are has to be my favorite of the whole album. She talks about staying true to who you are because if you keep trying to be who everyone else wants you to be, you won't remember who you are anymore. So, just be true to who you are. She also says its okay to be vulnerable because "tears don't mean you're losing/everybody's bruising." "Seeing is deceiving, dreaming is believing...It's okay not to be okay..."

Big White Room. Now, this song is super close to my heart. Haven't you ever had a moment when everything seems to go wrong, whether you're going through a break up, or a fight with a friend or family member, or it just seems like nothing is going your way? And you spend hours upon hours in your room, and you stare at the walls and your emotions hit you full force and you're forced to deal with yourself? Well, this song definitely addresses that. I had one of those moments not to long ago, if you couldn't tell. :) "Sitting in a big white room alone/Tilt my head back, feel the tears fall down/Close my eyes to see in the dark/I feel young, broken, so so scared."


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