Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Katy's Kourner I'd NEVER do that...well cept for you..

Posted by Girl Talk at 8:30 PM 3 comments
People who I'd die for:
1) Close Relatives (ie:daddy mommy sister close cousins etc)
2) my best friends
3) that pretty much it
Everyone has a list of things....

Friday, May 27, 2011

Katy's Korner: New chapters call for big girl panties

Posted by Girl Talk at 11:48 AM 0 comments
Everyone has a time in their life where there's a change..wheather it be graduating college..getting a new car...crossing a fraternity or sorority...getting a a new hair Everyone goes through changes either major or minor they effect the way we live our lives.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Katy's Korner: Mixed emotions about your man

Posted by Girl Talk at 3:52 PM 0 comments
Recently one of my best friends called it quits with her lover boy. *fireworks noises went off in my head because we can both be single this summer together ...horrible maybe....true? very* I loved the guy for her and that is hard to do because she is like my little sister so impressing me is not easy.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Steph's Side: Man-Cation is No More

Posted by Girl Talk at 1:00 PM 1 comments
Its not what you think, though...

So, this past week, my man-cation status was challenged by the people that are closest to me. And I'm not gonna lie, it really hurt my feelings. But I'll get into that later. Their comments go as follows:

Comment 1: I think that lowkey, you're only doing this whole man-cation thing because you don't have anyone right now. So you use your man-cation as a cover up so that you don't feel bad when you don't have anyone.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Steph's Side: Eff Love

Posted by Girl Talk at 7:10 PM 2 comments

So, lately I have been feeling strangely like the single friend. And none of my friends are in relationships. They just have guys there, and I don't. And I've been shrugging it off, but subconsciously, the sting is still there. Nobody's perfect, alright... a couple of days ago, a guy I had met a couple of weeks ago through one of Katy's friends asked Katy about me when she and her friend were hanging out. She said I was fine and everything, and at the end of their convo, he asked her for my number. [Sidebar: Me and him spent like three hours having a pretty good convo about life and everything, but because of my mancation, I really didn't care if anything happened between us or not.] Katy, being considerate, told him that she didn't just give out her friend's numbers all willy nilly.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Steph's Side: ManCation Benefits...

Posted by Girl Talk at 8:46 PM 0 comments
Okay, so I know its been so long that you probably don't even remember what I look like. So, here's a refresher....

Lol, but enough of the jokey-joke. I came by today, taking time out of my busy life to tell you guys what is up with my mancation. SO, as you know, I am now in month 4 of the ManCation, and let me tell you, it has been quite the journey. I have found so much out about myself, just by taking a break from trying so hard to fall in love with everything with a penis, that I love myself and appreciate my past a little but more, in a different way.

So, here are a few more realizations, thoughts and questions that have come up since January 1st.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Get Ready For The Comeback...

Posted by Girl Talk at 12:50 AM 0 comments
We are under going a lil bit of construction over here at GirlTalk, coming up with ideas and trying our hardest to get out our new material to you, so please, please sit tight, look at our other stuff and we'll be up and running by the end of the week!!

Love you guys,

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Katy's Korner: WAHOO one of my favorite designers-Jason Wu

Posted by Girl Talk at 7:21 PM 0 comments
For all you fashion-flunkies Jason Wu is quite possible one of the most talented and innovative designers of today. Like I get there are the classic Chanel Dior blah blah blahs that will always get recognition but news flash they are DEAD... yes their innovative designs and beloved trend-setting styles live on BUT I think it is much more exciting to have new fresh faces that leave a imprint on the fashion also Jason isn't a Jew hater..*cough cough Galliano*...ANYWHO just thought everyone should know that Jason Wu is LIFE! and very few designers are Life to me :D ok let me show you why

Friday, March 4, 2011

Katy's Korner: Lets get artsy

Posted by Girl Talk at 10:52 PM 0 comments
OK  last post of the night..So I have been depriving myself of all the riches and wealth that DC has to offer! I have been so consumed in what I NEED to do for school that I have neglected what I WANT to do in life...I was just throughly checking though my emails and I am on this email list for artists in DC and I get events and updates on new exhibits! I want to check this out like yesterday!

Katy's Korner: DO IT DIOR

Posted by Girl Talk at 10:34 PM 0 comments
Christian Dior was probably one of the most talented designers on the plant earth..many designers..along with myself..are continouly inspired by the work that is still being done in his name..OK this is gonna be a real quick post on one of my favorite pieces in Dior Fall 2011 (wow cant believe its already 2011) ready-to-wear collection!

Katy's Korner Good friends are hard to come by

Posted by Girl Talk at 10:16 PM 0 comments
I'm not a perfect person and who is??? but I am a good friend.. I hate arguing...i hate confrontation... I LOVE giving...maybe to much and I ALWAYS put others before me..I continuously pray for friends and am always there for them. Do you ever feel like you are too good a of person? Or a friend? What to do when someone is going through hard times...and what do you say?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Steph's Side: ManCation Update...

Posted by Girl Talk at 9:34 PM 0 comments

It's now month three of my mancation. After a host of emotions that threatened to drive me insane, I am now at peace with it. I know I probably had some people fooled before with the way that I was carrying on, but truth be told, I only became confident in my mancation last week. I didn't know what I was doing, or if I was doing the right thing, but the truth is that I am not ready. Same as before, but right now, there is no doubt in my mind that I need this mancation more than it needs me. I need to work on myself and on being by myself.

Do I want someone to cuddle with from time to time? Yes. But it doesn't keep me up at night like it used to. It's not the first worry in my mind. Actually, its quite hidden now. I only notice my singleness when I am thrust into certain situations. For the most part, I am just trying to deal with myself. And learning to love me more, flaws and all...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Jessie J: Who You Are Album Review

Posted by Girl Talk at 11:08 AM 3 comments
OMG! What is it with this year??? Everyone's albums are just pure gold! Jessie J's album just came out yesterday in the UK, and I was fortunate enough to be given a copy (partly because I have good connects in London, but also because I am a slightly crazed fan) and let me tell you, all the work gone into getting the album was not in vain, because I love the album. Seriously, I have been listening to it nonstop, and as usual, it speaks to most of my everyday problems.

Who You Are has to be my favorite of the whole album. She talks about staying true to who you are because if you keep trying to be who everyone else wants you to be, you won't remember who you are anymore. So, just be true to who you are. She also says its okay to be vulnerable because "tears don't mean you're losing/everybody's bruising." "Seeing is deceiving, dreaming is believing...It's okay not to be okay..."

Big White Room. Now, this song is super close to my heart. Haven't you ever had a moment when everything seems to go wrong, whether you're going through a break up, or a fight with a friend or family member, or it just seems like nothing is going your way? And you spend hours upon hours in your room, and you stare at the walls and your emotions hit you full force and you're forced to deal with yourself? Well, this song definitely addresses that. I had one of those moments not to long ago, if you couldn't tell. :) "Sitting in a big white room alone/Tilt my head back, feel the tears fall down/Close my eyes to see in the dark/I feel young, broken, so so scared."

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Steph's Side:"Don't Tell Me I Made It All Up In My Head..."

Posted by Girl Talk at 7:02 PM 0 comments

This past week on Glee, there was another fabulous episode about Valentine's Day and Love and such. Instead of taking the traditional routes and either spotlighting couples or the bitter/happy single people, it took an interesting turn and finally shed light on a very small population of people who just...made it all up.

They saw the wrong things, or misconstrued fake love signs, or whatever the case may be. And honestly, America...I can relate.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Happy Sunday, Yall!!!!

Posted by Girl Talk at 1:33 PM 0 comments
Okay, so IDK if you could tell, but Steph has been going through a lot emotionally. And up until this week, she didn't really know what it was. But then Katy brought up church shopping to me and I was ecstatic. I really wanted to go. Like more than I ever have. And it dawned on me, that I haven't really been to CHURCH in a while. Like I really haven't. It's weird. And I think that is why I have been so weird lately. The devil got to me. He definitely targeted my self esteem and really made me remember every painful memory that I had ever had, and all I needed was to pray about the situation, and it would have been fixed. But America, I didn't think of that. At all. So, I'm here this fine Sunday afternoon to tell you that when you are feeling low, and you don't know what else to do, call on the Lord. Remember, He is the only one that keeps you. He is the only one that cares and that is looking out for you always. And when in doubt, he is the one that can help.

Now, I am about to get my church on...

Steph Laughs

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Katy's Korner: My love story- it's over huh? Honey..this is only the beginning

Posted by Girl Talk at 2:42 AM 0 comments

1 cup of pain
6 cups of breakup songs
3 cups of heartache
500000000000000000000000000000000 pounds of tears

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

SpotLight New Artist: Dawn Richards

Posted by Girl Talk at 3:29 PM 0 comments
Okay, I know she's not really new to the industry, being in Danity Kane and in Dirty Money, but she is new to being on the scene solo. And can I say that I have been waiting for her to FINALLY start recording her own stuff. She is the talent, the only one that was in Danity Kane who truly seemed in it just because music is her passion and she wanted the world to hear her. And that's what I respect about people, the hunger for music that makes you really relate to them.

Releasing her new mixtape, ‘A Prelude To #ATELLTALEHEART’, on February 7th, 2011, Dawn Richards has been previewing samples of some of the songs. Here are a few of them.

These Tears

DAWN CAM (IN THE LAB) from Dawn Richard Blog on Vimeo.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

SpotLight New Artist: Jessie J

Posted by Girl Talk at 1:02 PM 0 comments
British Jessie J is here, and everyone who ever had a doubt for where music was headed in the next five years can now rest assured that not all music has gone to hell. This girl's vocals? Off the richter. This girl's lyrics? Speaks to every girl's soul. She is like a mixture between P!nk's lyrics, and...who am I kidding, I can't even compare her voice to anyone else's in the game. The 22-year old girl co-wrote the summer sensation "Party In the USA" which was on Miley Cyrus's album, among other hits to date. She is amazing, and honestly, I cannot wait for her album to drop, because I can already feel by her first two singles that it's gonna be my background soundtrack for weeks...

Hear some of her song after the jumps...and because I want to convince you, I put live performances...Check her swag y'all...It's the beginning of greatness...

Nobody's Perfect

Mama Knows Best

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Salissa's Section: IDK :/

Posted by Girl Talk at 6:06 PM 0 comments

Hey guys! By the looks of my title you can probably see that I dont really know what the hell im talking about today, but that's fine because I feel like this is the time I let out all my feelings: good/bad & happy/sad. lol.
So, let's get it, let's get it

Steph's Side: My Man-cation Experience So Far

Posted by Girl Talk at 3:54 PM 0 comments

So, late last year, I decided that I was gonna go on a little year-long man-cation. Not that I had hoards of dudes banging my door down to go out with me, but I was a little boy crazy and a little too distracted by guys, so what I chose to do was try and take guys out of the equation all together. So, this is my little checking in blog post about it...

It friggin sucks.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Katy's Korner: My love story- Harder than words can describe

Posted by Girl Talk at 2:09 AM 0 comments

Ok….so im done running from the took some time..but a billion tears later I think I am finally ready to actually talk about the stages and my experience with my breakup. I think it is hard for me to be transparent and open about such a sensitive topic and to be honest I don’t know if I will really reveal all of the details BUT after a lot of pushing and shoving and encouraging from friends and viewers….i think I can get through it. These posts kinda can go along with our new Girltalk:Diary of a Bisonette the break up series which is now posted on our youtube page @ (check out my amazing acting skills lol!)

Monday, January 17, 2011

We Could Be More....

Posted by Girl Talk at 4:10 PM 0 comments

Saturday, January 15, 2011

SALISSA'S SECTION: How do you know he's THE ONE...

Posted by Girl Talk at 6:03 AM 0 comments

They always say you'll know when you find the one because it'll feel right...BULL SHIT! let me tell ya'll, I've been in not too many relationships but enough to know that this saying is false. When you meet a guy and you "think" you like him, duh your gonna think he's the one. But then he does you wrong, so you end it and another guy comes along with a whole new start to think he's the one, only to find out he's not. So then a new guy comes after that and buys you nice things, take you out to nice places treating you like a queen, but in return he wants them draws...smh  It's a freaking cycle that we ladies put ourselves in..and seriously it's not fair. I mean, come on, when is ever gonna end?

Thursday, January 13, 2011

SaLissa's Section: I'm Gonna have My Moment For Life...

Posted by Girl Talk at 7:27 PM 0 comments

I'm pretty sure many of you are familiar with Nikki Minaj ft. Drake's new song Moment For Life, and if you're not, well then, you should just be ashamed of yourself! The song is good!  AIN'T NO WAY YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE HEARD THIS SONG!!!! LOL just kidding! But yea, anyways, I'm not here to review the song or any thing just give my intake on it and how it helps me, in a way. If that makes sense. I don't think it does but o well, o well! I just wanna talk to you guys about life and living it to it's fullest potential because really it's too short. I want you guys to get a understanding of my passion and how this song helps me keep my dreams alive because sometimes I just want to give up! But this song speaks the truth...
WOW!! I cant believe I just said Nikki Minaj's song is speaking the truth!!! lol I'm gonna have to re-phrase that ,but yea I go!

You've got to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince...

Posted by Girl Talk at 1:43 PM 0 comments

But just because you're tired of kissing frogs, don't think you can settle for the cutest frog you've come across, because even when you kiss him, he'll NEVER EVER IN A MILLION YEARS be your handsome prince. No point in even trying. You can't turn a frog into a human, talk less into a handsome prince made specifically for you, who loves you for you and who complements, can you? No.

Steph's Side: Big Girl Surrounded By A Whole Bunch of Skinny...

Posted by Girl Talk at 1:29 AM 0 comments
And She's Gonna Do Something About It...

Notice anything significant about this picture?

I know who the first person you noticed was...It was the big girl, wasn't it?

You don't have to lie, or cover it up...We all know why we notice the big girl first, before any of the other beautiful, young ladies beside her. It's because she happens to be bigger than normal. Our society may even refer to her as fat, overweight, to some obese, to few curvy, large, you name it, there is a word for it.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Good Guys Finish Last...

Posted by Girl Talk at 12:56 AM 0 comments
Okay, so as per usual, when I finish a long hard day at school, I totally veg out and watch a series of my favorite guilty pleasure reality shows...Yes, I, Steph, am a reality TV show junkie...And I am NOT going back to rehab!

But anyways, I was watching Teen Mom 2, and I was watching Leah's story. She's a girl who went out with a guy, got knocked up by said guy, but because she was hung up on a douche bag, she didn't want to be with Good Guy, so she dumps Good Guy and goes for Douche Bag, so when things went sour with Douche Bag and tried to make things work with Good Guy, who has been mending his heart for a year since she broke it and doesn't wanna get hurt again but is considering letting her cheating, trifling ass back in again. Then, on Millionaire Matchmaker, this one broad named Robin, who is the millionaire, was told to pick between the hot guy she has nothing in common with(mentally, physically, or financially) and was only interested in her money, or the more practical guy, who was way into her and good looking, mature, accommodating and accepting of her OBSESSION with Hello Kitty and pink. And guess which one she picked? The hot, dumb self-proclaimed asshole.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Steph's Side: My Kinks Have Grown!!!

Posted by Girl Talk at 9:59 PM 0 comments
I know its totally normal for hair to grow, but I'm just so happy that my kinks are well on their way. I never, ever, ever thought that I would be the one to rock the short style, but I find myself not only sporting it, but wearin' the hell out of it too, if I do say so myself.

Stressed Out? Just Say Eff It!

Posted by Girl Talk at 11:45 AM 0 comments

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